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What We Do

Holiday Helpers

Although the Christmas holiday season doesn’t account for the highest number of suicides, the rates definitely rise in December. Depression is complicated and there isn’t one single cause but there are factors that contribute, one being financial hardships. This is why we felt a calling to start Project 4:7 Help for the Holidays to further serve our mission by providing hope and help to those who are struggling. Every family has a story and we believe that every story matters. 

Many of these families have experienced tragedies and hardships that have impacted their ability to support their family. Others have been impacted by a mental health illness in a variety of ways. Many have expressed difficulty in being able to pay the bills each month let alone provide gifts for their children at Christmas.  It was very humbling to read the families wish lists, most consisting of needs not wants!  Items such as coats, hats, gloves, and boots are common requests.    

We love that all of our Holiday Helpers strive to be difference makers in our community by showing people that they are seen, that they matter and that someone cares. It goes far beyond the gifts. We believe that spreading JOY and giving HOPE is the greatest gift of all. 

R2O Sponsors

  • Quantum Workplace
    Quantum Workplace
  • L&W
  • Movement Chiropractic
    Movement Chiropractic
  • Farrells
  • Profile Solutions Group
    Profile Solutions Group
  • Morningstar
  • Valley Hope
    Valley Hope
  • Woodland Animal Hospital
    Woodland Animal Hospital
  • WMK